Tag: volkswgen

Called my Service Partner today

After waiting for more than 7 business days, and no contact by them,  I decided to call them.

So I call them, and they are waiting for a “reference” car. Which means, a car that has same specs and similar mileage as mine. This, I was told a year ago as well. Their plan is, find this reference car and check if it is making the same noise and behaviour as mine does. If it does, they will see what they can do. If it does not, then I have no merit in my complaints. That’s what they are planing and saying.

I told them about this reference car, that I was promised last year, and was “never found”. What would make it any different this time? They assured me that they are good in finding stuff like this. Well, I guess we will see. A bit less than a month left on my warranty.

All this, to me, sounds like dragging feet, until my warranty expires. I hope I am wrong, but they haven’t heard last from me just yet.

At the same time I informed them about my research from here, they claim that they never heard about China, Russia, USA extending warranties and complaints on other models with DSG7 gearbox around the world. So I sent them links to the documents. If in China more than 1 million DSG7 units are sold and they all got extended warranty, hard to believe there were no internal memos sent throughout VW concern. But I guess 1 million (probably) faulty units are not cause for concern in VW.