UPDATE: in the complaint case, response from the dealership

So, the authority I complained to regarding my vows with my VW and its DSG7 gearbox, finally got the dealership to respond to my complaints. And basically, they do not see it as their responsibility. Case is not done, and is now up to the authority to decide what should be next step in the process. Below, I’ve translated the response from the dealership. Not that there is anything useful said, but still. To give an indication, what I am up against. Declining all responsibilities because importer has been involved in the case. Internal policies are not concerns of mine, I bought the car from the dealership. They bought it from the importer. I am complaining about my car to dealership, they should to importer.

Here is the response from the dealership.

Company agrees with the information the consumer has indicated: No.
We did not consider it appropriate to comment on the case history that does not involve us, but we can confirm that we have sold the car to the consumer and made a warranty repair on the instructions of the manufacturer / importer of VW.

Company agrees with the user’s production of proceedings: No
We are not able to comment on a case history that does not involve us – but can confirm that we have carried out a warranty repair as directed by the manufacturer / importer of VW

The company is prepared to meet consumer demands: No
In our opinion, the VW importer with customer acceptance has intervened in this case and therefore we can not accept any responsibilities in this case and repairs not carried out by us.